2020-07-12 16:32:48 +08:00

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<template lang="pug">
| {{ articels.post_title }}
Icon(:icon="['far', 'calendar-alt']")
| &nbsp; {{ articels.post_date }}
Icon(:icon="['far', 'bookmark']")
nuxt-link(v-for='(relationships, index) in articels.term_relationships', :key='index', v-if='relationships.term_taxonomy', :to="'/' + relationships.term_taxonomy.term.slug")
| &nbsp; {{ }}
li(v-if='articels.postmetum.meta_value !== 0')
Icon(:icon="['fas', 'thermometer-' + articels.hotValue]")
| &nbsp; {{ articels.postmetum.meta_value }}
.articelTitle 目录
.reward(@click="reward") 打赏
.comment-title 交流区
span(v-if="comments.length") ({{commentAmount}})
.comment-item(v-for="(item, index) in comments", :id="'comment_ID_' + item.comment_ID", :key="index")
img(:src="item.comment_author_avatar_url ? item.comment_author_avatar_url : '' + item.user_id")
.comment-author {{ item.comment_author }}
.comment-info {{ item.comment_date }}
span.reply(@click="reply(item.comment_ID, null, true)" v-if="replyLastID === null && item.comment_ID === replyID") 取消回复
span.reply(@click="reply(item.comment_ID, null)" v-else) 回复
.comment-item(v-for="(i, inx) in item.children", :id="'comment_ID_' + i.comment_ID", :key="inx", style="margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 50px; background-color: #eeeeee; border-radius: 4px;")
img(:src="i.comment_author_avatar_url ? i.comment_author_avatar_url : '' + i.user_id")
.comment-author {{ i.comment_author }}
.comment-info {{ i.comment_date }}
span.reply(@click="reply(item.comment_ID, i.comment_ID)" v-if="replyLastID !== i.comment_ID") 回复
span.reply(@click="reply(item.comment_ID, i.comment_ID, true)" v-else) 取消回复
p(v-if="!comments.length", style="color: #cecece; text-align: center; margin-top: 40px") 暂无内容
.login(v-if="!visitorToken", @click="login")
.comment-nickname 张三
.comment-reply-commit(id="comment-reply-commit", v-show="replyID")
.login(v-show="!visitorToken", @click="login")
ins.adsbygoogle(style="display:block; text-align:center; margin-top:20px;", data-ad-layout="in-article", data-ad-format="fluid", data-ad-client="ca-pub-2143583075951360", data-ad-slot="4741804954")
.articelRightToc(v-show="articels.post_toc_show && showRightToc", @click="articelRightTocClick")
.articelTitle 目录
nuxt-link(:to="articels.last ? '/post/' + articels.last.ID : ''")
.btnFooter.btnPrevt(:style="'color: ' + (articels.last ? '#333' : '#ccc')")
Icon(:icon="['fas', 'chevron-left']")
| &nbsp; 上一篇 {{ articels.last ? '(' + decodeTitle(articels.last.post_name) + ')' : ''}}
nuxt-link(:to=" ? '/post/' + : ''")
.btnFooter.btnNext(:style="'color: ' + ( ? '#333' : '#ccc')")
| 下一篇 {{ ? '(' + decodeTitle( + ')' : ''}} &nbsp;
Icon(:icon="['fas', 'chevron-right']")
export default {
async asyncData ({ route, app, $axios }) {
const data = await $axios.$get(`/public/article/details?id=${}`)
const result = data.result
result.post_date = app.$moment(result.post_date).utc().format('lll')// 格式化时间
// 热度值计算
if (result.postmetum !== null && result.postmetum !== '') {
result.hotValue = app.$getHatValue(result.postmetum.meta_value)
} else {
result.hotValue = 0
result.postmetum = {}
result.postmetum.meta_value = 0
// 获取评论
const tmp = await $axios.$get(`/public/comments/post?ID=${}`)
const comments = tmp.result.list || []
const commentAmount = tmp.result.amount || 0
return {
articels: result,
commentsMap: new Map(),
showRightToc: false,
tocIds: result.post_toc_ids,
replyLastID: null,
replyID: null,
visitorToken: null
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.replace('/\\s/g', '')),
format (files, responseText) {
return responseText
error: (_) => {
this.$'dialog', {
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name: 'more',
toolbar: [
minHeight: 220,
toolbarConfig: {
pin: true
cache: {
enable: false
placeholder: '我们书写的不是代码,而是人生'
const comments = this.comments
for (let i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
this.commentsMap.set(comments[i].comment_ID, comments[i])
if (comments[i].children) {
for (let j = 0; j < comments[i].children.length; j++) {
this.commentsMap.set(comments[i].children[j].comment_ID, comments[i].children[j])
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methods: {
decodeTitle (name) {
try {
return this.urldecode(name)
} catch (err) {
return name
urldecode (encodedString) {
let output = encodedString
let binVal, thisString
const myregexp = /(%[^%]{2})/
function utf8to16 (str) {
let c
let char2, char3
let out = ''
const len = str.length
let i = 0
while (i < len) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++)
switch (c >> 4) {
case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
out += str.charAt(i - 1)
case 12: case 13:
char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++)
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F))
case 14:
char2 = str.charCodeAt(i++)
char3 = str.charCodeAt(i++)
out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) |
((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
((char3 & 0x3F) << 0))
return out
let match = null
while ((match = myregexp.exec(output)) != null &&
match.length > 1 &&
match[1] !== '') {
binVal = parseInt(match[1].substr(1), 16)
thisString = String.fromCharCode(binVal)
output = output.replace(match[1], thisString)
output = output.replace(/\\+/g, ' ')
output = utf8to16(output)
return output
articelRightTocClick () {
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reward () {
this.$'dialog', {
title: '感谢支持',
text: '<img src="" style="max-width: 100%; width: 400px"/>'
reply (id, replyLastID, cancel) {
const editorReplyObject = document.getElementById('comment-reply-commit')
if (cancel) {
this.replyID = null
this.replyLastID = null
window.location.hash = '_'
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this.replyID = id
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document.getElementById('comment_ID_' + id).appendChild(editorReplyObject)
const comment = this.commentsMap.get(replyLastID)
window.editorReplyObj.setValue('', true)
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (replyLastID !== null) {
window.editorReplyObj.insertValue('> ' + comment.comment_content + ' \n\n\n', true)
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window.editorReplyObj.insertValue('', true)
window.location.hash = '#comment_ID_' + id
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head () {
return {
title: `${this.articels.post_title} - 轶哥`
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